Job creation in rural areas - Kazakhstan
Client: Ministry of Employment, Astana
Project started in 2014
In first part of 2014 danishknowhow developed a roadmap on how to create increased business opportunities for micro farmers in Kazakhstan. The project has its base in the village Akzharma in Kyzylorda Region. This has been nominated as the key village for the process. The described is a pilot project that in the future will be prepared to roll out in other regions of Kazakhstan.
After a field study in the region and in the village the possibilities have been evaluated and the overall frames for the project have been settled. Micro farmers have very limited possibilities to develop their business at the current premises. Their area is too small, there is no water access and they cannot register their business in order to get production subsidies.
Base of the project is to establish or re-establish a dairy production unit. The unit will be established with new knowledge and technology and will at the first step be financial covered by the government of Kazakhstan. However it is the expectations that the future business will be profitable and a possible investment for commercial investors. The production is to be developed and operated within a new concept. The concept will activate the existing micro farmers and facilitate their building up of a sustainable private business.