360 degrees FarmCheck

danishknowhow® offer a review of your agribusiness with focus on detecting the areas with greatest potential for improvement and hence achieving better results. As part of this, we send an international agricultural consultant whom can cover the areas of crop, livestock and economy.
Together with you and your staff, the consultant run a dialogue on the possibilities within the framework agreed. Such dialogue results in a 360 degrees analysis of your farm and a concrete action plan. The FarmCheck includes:

Technical analysis:
·         Technical facilities
·         Breeding stock
·         Formula for feeding
·         Crop rotation plan
·         Crowing plan
·         Soil analysis
·         Water analysis

Financial analysis:
·         Review of budgets
·         Advise on record keeping
·         Benchmark of production results and financial information

After the visit the consultant will submit a report along the following:
·         Options and possibilities
·         Suggestions for optimization with current setup
·         Suggestions for new investments
·         Suggestion for action plan


The analysis will be based on actual figures from the operation as well as best practice and benchmark for similar businesses. The action plan sets specific targets for your farm and provides timetable for the targets to be achieved. FarmCheck is well received by financial institutions that see potential in the process and the fact that it results in a concrete action plan. The report is estimated to be submitted one month after the first visit to the farm/project by the international agricultural consultant.

Contact danishknowhow for specific suggestion and price qutotation

danishknowhow® is a private company founded in 2005. Our tools are based on expert knowledge from Danish agriculture combined with our world-wide experience. Denmark has the highest per capita food production in the world. Less than 100.000 farmers produce food equivalent for 15 million people. We bring technology and entrepreneurship spirit from Danish farmers to developing countries. We focus on productivity, food safety and sustainability all through the value chain.